
Of course you can kill Russian criminals who have illegally entered Ukraine. You don't need to ask nicely for them to stop or give them a chance to leave. This is a war, with a large scale invasion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with just killing them. And doing so will in the long run save Ukrainian lives, as the people evil enough to take part in this invasion will probably come back in a future invasion. Better to kill them now if possible. It is absurd how you keep trying to impose conditions on Ukraine taking their country back from a genocidal invasion, protecting deeply evil people in the process. If we were talking about a few hundred people it'd be a different discussion. But this is a massive invasion that will be very difficult to reverse. It's totally ok in the extraordinary circumstances of war to ignore usual legal principals of due process to get the job done. Giving ~1 million Russians full trials would bankrupt any county. And again, this gets back to my original point: right now tens of millions of Russians are meaningfully contributing to their genocidal war against Ukraine. These people are criminals. In the circumstances of war, with the numbers involved, it is impossible to adhere to normal standards of legal processes and bring each to justice. But it is feasible to stop the war by killing them. Every working Russian is a valid military target, and as is always true in war, collateral damage is acceptable. It would, for example, be perfectly justified and ethical to use nuclear weapons to wipe out Russian cities to put an end to this war and future Russian aggression. It doesn't matter how many die in the process: the working Russian population are all valid military targets. If they want to live, the onus is on them to either leave Russia, or stop the war. Right now Ukraine is being coerced into not taking effective measures to end the war that it could due to absurd humanitarian concerns. Ukrainians are being forced to give up their lives for the sake of Russian criminals. It is absurd that the lights are on in Moscow right now – Ukraine could have taken out the Russian electricity grid. But they haven't been allowed to. Sure, many Russians would die in the process. But that's absolutely fine.
I think part of our disagreement in the assessment of whether conventional military means are enough to default Russia. I think giving Ukraine 5x the weapons and permission to use them on any non-nuclear military (industrial complex) target should do the trick. This is also what actual military experts like ISW advocate for. We also asses the risk of nuclear war differently. I suppose you like caves anyway :-) And then there's issue of how Ukraine needs to behave in order to keep receiving support at all. If they start behaving as badly as the Russians, the EU stops supporting them. Unlike in the US, there is strong popular support amongst Europeans to help Ukraine, but it's not unconditional.