Useless/wasteful things to get rid of: - Pennies
- Nickels
- The IRS
- The ...
Be brave and say what you know to be true.
Watch the world shift around y...
#BREAKING: Swan will publish quarterly “Proof of Lawsuits” to increase transparency
... A lot of us have been wondering just who has been selling so much bitcoin f...
Massive thanks to the legends at nostr:nprofile1qqstu8vf099ljt09m4jvres0dgk
They were the first wallet to embed The Map after experiencing the pain o ... This recent letter from the World Bank President to POTUS helps clarify why
... It is not remotely feasible to spend $2 trillion in a single bill with 6000...
You cut out the best part.
While spending and living on bitcoin is bloody frustrating in El Salvador �