Daughter: So we won a war against England and then we became American and b...
Not a single mention of seed oils.
At my first coding job, my project manager would stay late hours​ after wor...
So grateful that humans all over the world find value in my work and wish t
... other pools require accounts, and fundamenatlly they pay people, not addres...
BTW getting connected to
Envious Lark mining was the easiest thing ever. You don’t even
... ByBit has all their keys online and calls it cold just because it's multisi...
Privacy-protecting alternatives:
iPhone -> Google Pixel
iOS -> GrapheneOS
www.privacyguides.org/en/tools nostr:note1d6wfyqstfjym7jt7dk2gq4n8tdal4ncp8ftdt3rz6u3he82g2tfskasjas