Real butter is real food. Margarine is Satan's ball-sweat congealed…
stay humble and stack sats relentlessly, forever
The NerdQAxe++ is here to change open-source bitcoin home mining.
It’s been about five years now since Swan Bitcoin opened their doors and st
Will be at MIT 👀 first time i’ve been
elon is crushing it, x is arguably stronger than twitter ever was
if nostr
The more sats you send the more you receive - sigma primal philosophy
nostr seems to have a bit of an identity crisis from time to time. im sure
The crypto bros are absolute nihilistic callow parasites who drag us all do
I still wear jeans that are 20+ years old. They're now back in style. Check
And we’re open. Bedford has a new cafe…and of course we accept Bitcoin. Com
My vision of reality is uncomfortable for many, I do not know if I have the
👉888888👈 🎱ALL-8’s BLOCK!!
🍀This is very lucky!