Post by Mateusz

My final appearance on What Bitcoin Did is now available!
Great discussion entry points for future episodes on my Bitcoin Security Maps podcast. Nothing new you haven't thought of before but three imaginary ideas came to me as I listened: 1) When using multisig: it may be beneficial for one of the key holders to be an armed and public (possibly national military or local police) participant which could be identified on the wallet itself (much like the logo of a household alarm system at the door) if under attack. 2) When a bitcoiner with significant holdings, be public about only up to $1M in USD. That is an incredible amount of economic energy to most people on this planet. One can already do most things in one life with such an amount. Most people alive do not even understand what it may be like to have over $10K USD in their bank account. 3) It might be a good idea to have a "special $10K USD in BTC" wallet always on oneself for situations of a physical attack - prepared with a "special" setup, never to be discussed anywhere. I'd be thrilled to work in the bitcoin community one day, because I really enjoy contemplating security assistance around sovereign economic energy. Cheers!