Garlinghouse is a GENIUS at being a weasel.
That means that he’s going to be good at finding the most effective marketing campaign that a weasel could find.
Going after Maximalism is going to be effective. Not accurate or grounded in values of course just effective.
Everyone outside of Bitcoin does in fact hate the “maxis”. An effective campaign here against maxis is one where:
1. Everyone is brainwashed into believing that Bitcoin is not the discovery or invention that it is.
2. It’s ridiculous to believe only 1 of 20M cryptos is the only one that matters.
3. Banks need technologies more effective than Bitcoin.
4. Maxis are mean, evil, and they will control all of our money if we don’t get other cryptos adopted.
From my experience in trying to orange pill people in power at the top of the fiat game, those smug buttplugs are now looking for a way not to look stupid on missing Bitcoin and this is their chance. They get to find some way to blame it on maxis being having the concentration of capital.
Stay frosty, friends.
PS. I don’t ascribe to being a “maxi”. This was very fun to call myself this in response to Vitalik’s epithet in a self deprecating way. But groups of people that adopt a set of definitions and labels have suboptimal outcomes throughout history. The group members have to adopt the new rules and definitions as they go or a member is ostracized and the reward for honoring each new definition is groupthink.
No thank you.
Groupthink flies in the face of individuality. Individuality is upstream of creativity.
Promoting individuality is my shit. Everyone is so beautifully weird and interesting when they get out of shackles, labels or expectations.
So be creative with how to be on the offensive with Garlinghouse and the lot if you are sharpening your sword right now. Don’t be surprised if blindly adopting the maxi shared voice of attacking is counterproductive.
Be you. Get creative. Let the individuality come through that will break this weasel’s campaign at its core. The genius of this campaign is calling out the negative traits of groupthink.