
A great episode. There is no doubt in my mind that the main speaker/father has read Dr Michael Heiser’s work, much of what he said was straight out of his books/research. Which is totally fine and wonderful, just a shame he never mentions Heiser once - almost to suggest he came up with all that knowledge himself. An answer he provided to an audio question near the end I would push back as incorrect - it was if the giant/Nephilim were around today if they could be saved, and it’s 100% no, they can not. Salvation is for mankind alone, and these hybrid bastard offspring’s are commended to remain in this world/realm as evil spirits (demons), that was part of their judgement from the Most High (passed on from their rebellious watcher/fathers). If you don’t already, suggest you also listen to the Blurry Creatures podcast, if you liked that episode you shared with me, you’ll enjoy them. Recommend you also look into Understanding Conspiracy/Paul’s work - via his YouTube channel. You’ll see he’s done much research into the Nephilim and how one of their traits is clownish features.