And that’s great! I’m just speaking for myself. I’m forty soon and for as long as I can remember I just want some dedicated time for myself to read only on my back or build a Lego castle. I love parties don’t get me wrong but I don’t want to go somewhere with my friend where the reason they are going all in on some party activities is to celebrate me. When I’m dead then yes. Go buck wild. Burn a town down in my honor.
Yep, I get it. Although as an introvert loner there were never big to-dos. And being with the hubs for over 20 years, we're pretty set in our ways. The kid likes to make a big deal now, so it's fun to see him excited. I also feel like it's your day and you should do what you want. Spending time alone is how you recharge. And yes a funeral is for the living, so they should put the fun in it!