
anyone who saw any of Putin's interviews knows what we are going to get with this one 🤦‍♀️ Putin is a delusional maniac and psychopath, he already justified every murder and crime he commisioned and will commision during his lifetime. This is his truth. and btw does anyone still hope to get any truthful statement from any of politicians? 🤣. Also it’s not a matter of "freedom of speach", obv anyone can interview anyone and put it online, the question is what is the point of this interview? what is the intention behind it . And why these type of ppl ,like this Tucker guy , or Lex Fridman when he invited Netanyahu , coincidently just few months before the mass extermination in Gaza started. Why they always need to have moral justification, great ideology attached to what they do for a living? why he can't just say - this interview bc I got paid for it? That would be honest and acceptable. No - they want to get rich by doing shitty things AND to present themselves as truth seekers and moral leaders. This ass-licking comment about Elon Musk allowing the interview on X - cherry on top , hilarious tbh. and repulsive