So I had a unique opportunity today. A 12 year old boy from church wanted m
Empty Aardvark put in to words that really made it stick in my criminally stupid brain: n I gave a copy of Saif’s Bitcoin Standard to his folks. I set him up with
Icy Boa and helped him back it up, both analog and digitally.
This young fella t
... The way I see it, Bitcoin is filled with the only rabidly optimistic people...
We don’t collect data so development is directed purely by vibes
“Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this woul...
physics, mathematics, chaos, assembly, complexity take up so much of my awe...
I hope I don't lose my private key 🥶
I receive hundreds of images and videos every day. Only a small fraction of
#nostr. I’ll keep building what’s unseen but still used. 🫂💪💜
... when dogs have pent up energy, it's common knowledge they need more exercis
... The real toxic Maximalist Bitcoiner was Mircea Pospescu, since his death th...
We laugh at eth and ByBit, but when Coinbase gets rekt like this, and all t...
Election Day in Germany. Happy Sunday !
Person 1: wants to stack Bitcoin and has a credit card, bank account, or so...