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Imagine you could tell your social media client in human language what kind
stay humble and stack sats relentlessly, forever
Just wanted to pop in and say I hope everyone has a great day.
GM! ☕ Masterclass on introducing yourself by Inigo Montoya! 😎
This morning, on my 8th day of sobriety Bitcoin reached block height 888888
GM nostr ☀️
Can you breathe slower, be more calm, and speak with more pois
Women are attracted to men they find intimidating. Crazy women are attracte
I truly believe that it's God who protects me from evil.
When I look back
Bitcoin activity is booming in New Zealand.
Since Lightning Pay NZ launch
Gm ☕️ Make beautiful things.
reckless 💅
Teacher in Ireland gets 7 years of savings frozen because he refuses to use
Once you understand how easy it is now to move a travel trailer onto a piec
I wonder what jobs would be doing with ai right now
GM! Looks like this the first block mined by a self-hosted PublicPool on an
Congrats to the solo miner who solved block 888989
This is the way!
opensats distributed $950000 in bitcoin to open source contributors this mo
Do you cut your pizza with a pizza cutter, knife, or scissors? #asknostr