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And we’re open. Bedford has a new cafe…and of course we accept Bitcoin. Com
The 2035 $5-wrench attack will be hacking home robots to hold occupants hos
Thrilled that we could help Fabian Jahr publish his research on Cross-Input
You can just do stuff.
How the FUCK did a generation raised on The Simpsons, South Park and Family
Nostr trying to be a better Twitter, is the same as crypto trying to be “be
it will never win at being a better twitter.
it can win by being something new and different.
I've got 21k zaps to give away.
500 sats to the next 42 new followers.
Whenever someone emails the Lyn Alden support email, this is who they are d
Apple doesn't let me do this.
Suppose a zap wallet provider gives you the option for all zaps to be priva