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Naughty Jay
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Investigators have traced much of the Mt. Gox Bitcoin that was stolen in the 2014 hack... but there's little hope of being able to do the same for Fort Knox gold
Fort Knox > Mt Gox 425 billion 450 million This could be the biggest rug yet Ironic if Bitcoin crashes this cycle because of lost/stolen Fort Knox gold, leading to a major risk on event
Fort Knox > Mt Gox 425 billion 450 million This could be the biggest rug yet Ironic if Bitcoin crashes this cycle because of lost/stolen Fort Knox gold, leading to a major risk on event
Two things the next generation will learn in school: The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell Bitcoin is the powerhouse of finance
Everyone following the Fort Knox & London gold drama should read Making Money - you're in for a treat
Going into a burning building, no problem 🫡 Driving our *brand new* fire truck: terrifying (no one wants to be the guy who dented the new Quint)
Is it less painful to be rugged by others than by yourself? Look at the Bitcoin landfill guy, still at it instead of at peace