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Making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.
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Hello beautiful beings,
My name is Bianca, and I’m very excited to be hereBeau Winn and paul keating for opening this door!). The more I learn, the more I see how these t#introductions
Sustainable scaling requires local, targeted, and specialized support. No
GM: Bitcoin is money, already.
Rewatching the original Star Wars Trilogy this weekend with my kids. Starti
I'm a cornstar - I fuck the system for a living.
Who wants to fuck around
My 14-month-old son just looked me straight in the eyes and said “dad, with
Truly a master work
An incredibly detailed and well reasoned case for buy
lying in bed switching between damus android and damus ios to post. somewha
Weekend breakfast vibes 😎
guys I’m addicted to skirt steak.
Today a man wearing cat ears and sucking on a vape at the Bitcoin Commons
Cathedral in nature
You can just add your business to The Map.
There will be signs.
today i learned the Wizard of Oz is a tale of the gold standard
I’m raising my children to meet the world they’re going to encounter in thi
What’s the best documentary you’ve ever seen?
Our attention is our scarcest resource. Allocate accordingly