Post by Waldgänger
The more I actually try to use Bitcoin Lightning, the more I hate it. I just want to send and receive digital shekels. All of this shit about channels, inbound/outbound liquidity, etc is a pain in the ass and gets between me and what I want. The fact that channels can arbitrarily get closed, leaving money in limbo for days is even more shit.
AlbyHub closed a new channel I opened after 13 fucking minutes... now I need to fund another one if I want my wallet to work, but I can't the funds in AlbyHub because they're too few and stuck in closed channels anyway.
I have an embedded node Zeus wallet on a phone with enough sats to do the job, but oh no! The channel's stuck as Inactive, and even if it does activate properly, there's too many zombie channels so any attempt at payment times out and goes nowhere.
I won't pretend Monero hasn't given me headaches and borderline heart attacks in the past, but it's got nothing on this Lightning shit. When it works well it works well, but just one piece out of alignment and it all goes to shit. Lightning fucking sucks, and I'm not willing to pretend it doesn't.
Both Zeus embedded wallet and AlbyHub use different versions of light wallets. Light wallets are very much work in progress and they won't work great. Don't use light wallets. I've used them both. Left Zeus after 2 channel closures, Alby Hub closed my channel after 26 days. You need to be using a pr
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BCH may work
I heard people criticizing it and their main points are:
1. hashrate isn't close to BTC's
2. blocks barely fill up (100kb blocks)
but these don't invalidate the technology, they just reflect its current state
I think it just comes down to marketing
Aqua Wallet is open source, accepts lightning, and transfers it to liquid automatically. Regarding technology that just works, ive never had a failed transaction with liquid network. I've had plenty with lightning and monero. If I could make a suggestion with lightning, it would be to start out with
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I had the same issues with zeus, I closed all my channels and from now on if I have to be forced to use LN I will just use wallet of satoshi. But I will push more than ever to use #XMR as my main payments driver.