Finally starting on ‘Atomic Habits’. I’m really looking forward to reading it after seeing so many good reviews. I’ve read a few books over the years on the subject of habits, including ‘The power of Habit’ by Charles Duhigg and ‘Brainstorm: Harnessing the power of productive obsessions’ by Eric and Ann Maisel. Both of these were fascinating and it’s interesting to look back now on the impact they have had on me over the last 10+ years. My intention in reading this book is to use it as an opportunity to assess and improve upon my current habits. Some previously good habits have fallen away while others have stayed with me, and no doubt I’ve gained a few bad habits. Hopefully this book will motivate me to tweak some things that need changing. 🙂 #bookstr
Interesting topic. I find myself that I often stick to some good habits for a while but then they fall away and some bad habits come in. It is sometimes difficult to figure out exactly what changed to cause this shift and the find the motivation to get back to the good habits.