Samuel Kullmann
Samuel Kullmann
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Thanks to the translation skills of our friend and Swiss member of parliament Samuel Kullmann , the German version of ‘The Gospel According To Bitcoin’ will be dropping soon featuring incredible cover art from Deep Marlin and the design talents of Tiny Landfowl!
Great panel today on the state of Bitcoin in Politics with Samuel Kullmann , Squealing Boa @Dennis_Porter_, @Scaramucci moderated by @PrincFilip1 & introduced by Defeated Fowl! Our take: #Bitcoin is increasingly embraced by politicians - independent of party affiliation & ideology 🚀
🚨 Speaker Announcement 🚨 Wie lassen sich Bitcoin's Eigenschaften strategisch nutzen? In seinem Talk formuliert Dr. Marcus Dapp strategische Fragen für ein Bitcoin-Playbook, die sich jede Non-Profit Organisation, vor allem wenn sie international tätig ist, stellen sollte. 🎫 Erfahren mehr über di#BitcoinAlps Konferenz 2024: @BitBox, @Pocket Bitcoin 🇪🇺🇨🇭, @Wirtschaftsraum Thun, @Bern Economic Development Agency, @brainpark gmbh, @lipa, @Schweizer Monat, @Swiss Blockchain Federation, @Westhalle Thun, @Bright Concepts #studybitcoin #bitcoin #lightningnetwork
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