Cold Pinniped
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Cold Pinniped
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Followed byHot Caterpillar, Angry Clam, Energetic Narwhal and 13 others you follow
I still get credit fraud updates from the OPM since all of my data was already leaked by the government. Reddit may be a more hospitable place for your outrage
Or have them do something (anything) to actually earn it. Same for welfare- if someone wants a check then they need to go pick up trash or contribute to the world in some way. Something similar to community service when on probation but have it be a system with verification. And if something is fo
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Replace this with mom and it's accurate. She was a financial planner for her whole career, but can't wrap her mind around #bitcoin She even acknowledges that the dollar will be devalued to cover future entitlements, but says shes OK with keeping all of her retirement assets denominated in dollars. I suppo
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Curious, do you guys think there were planes involved in 9/11? I remember watching those videos explaining how the planes were CGI and it was actually missiles, and detonations from inside. The floors where the planes hit were "under construction" for the weeks leading up to 9/11 iirc
That one 362 year old lady finding out she gets no more checks. Sad sad day
We got that husky saw as a wedding present, its a workhorse. Our family and friends thought our registry was crazy but I still use so many of those tools all the time
Yea I have a basic Alaska chainsaw mill with a 372xp, works well but the big mill is so much easier on my back and saw. That neighbor is selling off his skid steer, excavator, dump trailer, etc to pay down debt. If he lists that mill I'll probably have to buy it to keep it in the neighborhood lol
I would just love to see the mainstream media coverage of that if it ever happened
There should be a spike in bitcoin and monero searches in DC right now, not swiss bank accounts and Rico laws
Have you heard anything about these actually catching on fire? I've gotten multiple emails from amazon about the fire risk. They did some sort of recall on previous versions. I'd assume its the lithium battery. Other than that they work great lol- have 2