Cheerful Moose how would you rate the following on two dimensions: privacy (worst, ok, best), and complexity/effort to build (t-shirt size: XS, S, M, L, XL)
giftwrap (not sure if this signal approach)
What would a Based Europe look like?
The exact opposite of the EU:
-love of Europeans
-anti-central planner, anti-bureaucrat
-no forever wars against Christian European neighbors
-pro-human and pro-energy
Whitney Webb discusses how Thiel created Vance. I remain wary and cautious of this provenance.
That said Vance has done the right thing by calling out the insufferable western european totalitarianism.
Remember that not only is there no free speech in Europe, there are also no free elections.
Romanian elections were deemed null by the bureaucrat caste just weeks ago. Now there is a threat by the bureaucrats to do annul elections in Germany.